TXQ RGB Baselit Operations

Power up the saber by holding down the button for a second. The saber is now in standby mode.

While On:

Function Control Notes
Blaster Deflection Tap the button
Lock Up Hold the button for 1 second
Color Change Hold the button for 2 seconds, then tap button to change color.
Color Change Motion Hold the saber angled down, hold the button and twist the saber.
Change Blade Effects Hold the saber angled up, hold the button and twist the saber.
Flash on Clash on/off Hold the button for 3 seconds
Power Off hold button for 5 seconds
Power Off Motion Twist the Saber This motion is a quick twist of the saber one way and back.

While in Standy:

Function Control Notes
Turn On Tap the button The Saber will turn on.
Power On Motion Twist the Saber This motion is a quick twist of the saber one way and back.
Volume Control Hold the button for 1 second Will announce new volume
Sound Font Selection Hold the button for 2 seconds You will hear a sound confirming the switch.
Switch Sound Fonts Motion Hold the saber angled up, hold the AUX button and twist the saber.
Switch Background Music Hold the button for 3 seconds
Switch Background Music Hold the saber angled down, hold the AUX button and twist the saber.
Flash on Clash Hold the button for 4 seconds This will turn the Flash on Clash on and off
Switch Sound Fonts Hold the saber angled up, hold the AUX button and twist the saber.
Turn On/Off Motion Controls Hold the button for 5 seconds. The saber will turn on or off Motion controls